Clearcoating headlights

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  • July 8, 2012 at 3:01 am #37608

    Hi everyone, hope all is well. :cheer:

    I am in the process of clearcoating my headlights. What is the maximum grit I can use for clearcoat to stick? I am thinking P800 dry.
    What about P1000? Too fine? (I know in the other thread some members mentioned P800)

    Also, is it possible to scuff the headlight areas not visible (underhood, around feneders, etc)and spary clearcoat over them? Will the clear stick to the original coating?

    Thanks in advance.

    July 8, 2012 at 3:57 am #37609

    You need to watch the P grade sandpaper,P1000 is actually 500 grit.You will be fine if you use 600-800 on an orbital sander and gray scotchbrite the edges.Use some spraynine on them first to make sure they are clean and free from bug guts.Clearing headlights works fine,I have never had a problem doing it this way,you could even spray on some adhession promoter if you want before you clear like sikkens PO.

    July 8, 2012 at 4:40 am #37610

    Thanks for reminding me, I totaly forgot about the “P” grade papers. Damn Candadian Tire. :hunt

    I need to buy P1200-P1500.
    Thanks again! :rock

    July 10, 2012 at 7:09 am #37617

    Just thought I’d post the results. P800 was my final step.








    Thanks again. :rock

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