
  • Author
  • February 5, 2012 at 12:08 am #35729

    Hi there,
    Just a little info, i am not in the trade and have never tried repairing paintwork myself before. Some one scraped the top of my boot this week, and i bought some touchup paint (same colour from dealer) to repair it. However it does not seem to be matching. I have sanded down the area i am painting however the new paint seems lighter. I still have some more sanding to do, but i was wondering if there is something i can do to try and fix the problem? i cant afford to take it to a spray shop. Once the paint is flat i will try compound on it, however i am not sure if this will help. Any advice would be welcome!

    This is what it currently looks like

    February 8, 2012 at 10:20 pm #35814

    Hi it looks like a met paint?

    all paints are tricky to get a spot on match this is why you have to blend your colour into the existing paint then clear coat the full panel

    you primer also ads a value to the colour light colours…req light primer (white) med colours med shade primer (grey) darker colours (black) if yours is grey/silver go with a grey primer

    hope this helps


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