How do you clean your gun? and how often?

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  • November 27, 2009 at 12:59 am #17267

    I personally clean mine each time I’m through painting with it even if I plan on using it latter that day.

    As far as how I clean mine I just disassemble it and soak the pieces in Thinner and use a Tooth brush type brush and blow the pieces off and use a soft clean lint free rag to wipe every thing down with with the thinner then put it all back together.

    I don’t like using all those small wire bottle brushes in the tip that those paint gun cleaning kits come with as I think you could damage the Paint spray tip with them, and then the Tip wouldn’t atomize the paint correctly or lay out right I have more fear of that than I do of having a dirty gun.

    November 27, 2009 at 1:07 am #17268

    i just rinse mine an toss it in the gunwasher

    November 27, 2009 at 2:19 am #17272

    I haven’t used my gun washer in quite awhile.

    I usually just wipe all the paint out that I can with a dry paper towel,

    slosh some thinner around in it then dump,

    add some clean thinner, percolate it (drop the air pressure under 5psi, loosen the air cap, pull the lid and squeese the trigger),

    Remove the air cap, unhook the air hose and let the thinner I just percolated with run through the gun,

    hit the gun body, fluid tip and air cap with some aerosol carb cleaner,

    wipe everything dry with a paper towel and a q-tip and call it a day.

    I’ll do a full teardown, clean and lube whenever I feel it needs it but perking the gun frequently really helps with the teardown frequency.

    This procedure is mainly for my primer and clear guns, I teardown my basecoat gun everytime I change colors.

    November 27, 2009 at 2:51 am #17273

    Usually the instant I’m done shooting I pour any remaining materials out.
    Hit it with a little bit of solvent, shake it around to get the paint off the insides of the cup.
    Then pull the trigger and let half about cleanup solvent run through the passages.
    Take a paper towel wipe the inside of the cup with the remaining solvent,
    Then throw new solvent in, Peculate it. Pour the solvent out
    Put just a tad bit of solvent in the bottom of the cup.
    Throw it on the gun stand. And my job is done.

    Sometimes I forget after a long shoot session, and come back to the shit all hardened in my gun… When they say 3.5 hour pot life. They really mean 1.75 hours in your gun… :wak I keep learning this the hard way. :cens

    November 27, 2009 at 2:55 am #17274

    My water base gun generally gets a clean once a week (I kid you not!) I use the 3M PPS system, so when I move from one car onto the next (every 30-40 minutes on average), I simply swap the cups and blow a little of the paint through to flush out the old colour. Sounds a bit rough and ready I know, but that’s all they do on most production lines, and I don’t get the colour transfer issues you might expect.

    Clear gun gets a quick rinse out after every job, then at the end of the shift it gets stripped and cleaned with a variety of brushes before being put through the gun washer.

    November 27, 2009 at 2:55 am #17275

    If I’m shooting primer, I’ll re-percolate it. Check for chunks coming out, if no chucks I’ll test spray it with the solvent. If fine I’ll move on.

    If any chunks. I tear down.

    For Clear I always tear down.

    For Base I always tear down.

    November 27, 2009 at 3:48 am #17279

    As mentioned in the first post, I break down my gun after every use. I first spray thinner through it and then take it all apart and soak in thinner for a few minutes, then blow dry and reassemble.

    November 28, 2009 at 8:41 pm #17307

    i do what most these other guys do..cant afford to mess up a $600 gun from me just wanting to be a little lazy

    November 29, 2009 at 12:17 am #17315

    clean :huh: they’re not self cleaning? :ohmy: hmmmm :pcorn:

    December 1, 2009 at 9:03 am #17363

    [b]laynbodys-10 wrote:[/b]
    [quote]i do what most these other guys do..cant afford to mess up a $600 gun from me just wanting to be a little lazy[/quote]thats exactly how I see it.

    exactly 😉

    December 2, 2009 at 11:16 pm #17399

    [b]bondomerchant wrote:[/b]
    [quote]i just rinse mine an toss it in the gunwasher[/quote]

    How good do those Gun washers really work?
    I have seen a few of them and thought they were cool but a little spendy for something I can do in a few minuts.

    Also what do you use for cleaning solvent and how often do you have to change out the solvent?

    Knowing you Ill bet your just using Thinner aren’t you?

    December 3, 2009 at 1:47 am #17403

    Well I guess im against the norm… I clean it next time I need it :rofl

    It absolutely the wrong way to do it too.. I used to clean my gun after every use thoroughly.. But now I will just do the thinner wash out, dump, wipe etcc.. then put new thinner back in cup and check to run clean again,,. Now it sets and waits for a proper cleaning next time I am going to paint…

    That is my base and clear gun.. Now with primer, I will usually always break it down immediately and clean.. It tends to be much more difficult to get cleaned out if it sets up..

    December 3, 2009 at 3:00 am #17406

    Q-tips, various nylon brushes, pipe cleaners and…


    Then i pour some thinner in the cup and let it sit for the
    next time.

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