iwata air caps

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  • January 28, 2013 at 4:26 pm #40760

    hey guys..i been spraying for 12 years now with my iwata400 for half that time and love it! i was using a sata nr2000 1.4 with ppg deltron and was good with basecoats and good with the ms clears. i changed my job and was using debeers and there was no way in hell it would work together so i changed it up and bought myself a iwata w400 and its been magic! awesome with basecoats and nice on ms clears!….recently, ive changed my job again and am using glasurit now….the adjustment to this paint system has been magical! but! id like to refine my skills abit more and utalize my spray gun abit better. ive noticed and read, but is unclear about changing the aircaps for basecoas and clears. id like to make my metalic jobs abit easier and get a nicer clearcoat off the gun……ive read that a purple cap makes it easy for metallics and silver LV2 cap for clears???? id like to clarify if i even could change air caps for this purpose….i have an iwata w400 with the cap that says LV2 1.4 …..please advise fellazzzz

    January 28, 2013 at 9:41 pm #40764

    I am unsure on the purple cap but have had a few different caps and set ups on my w400 and same goes for the w200 both shere the same set up

    So I’m also keen to here about this

    January 28, 2013 at 9:52 pm #40768

    We don’t get the purple cap here in the UK which is probably why you haven’t seen it DC, and to be fair evoh I don’t think it’s designed for the W400, only the low pressure LPH400 version. That gun has 3 caps available, a silver for (mostly) clear, gold for base or clear (similar to our WBX) and the purple cap which is meant to help out on the last few percent of really tricky base colours.

    So I can’t really help evoh as I haven’t used the purple cap, and as I say, I don’t really think it’s meant for the W400. If you can get it where you are then you might want to have a go with the WBX set up. I found it extremely good for basecoat and clear alike 🙂

    January 29, 2013 at 6:15 am #40790

    The lph400 has the three different air caps the silver (base coats/clears) the orange for most base coats (some people clear with this as well) and the purple cap which is used for the real tough metallic/pearl colors. The w400 comes in the lv2 which I understand is the older high pressure gun and the lv4 which is kinda like the rp guns. Iwata has a decent forum that you can go on that should clear up any issues you might have. http://www.asetusa.com


    February 8, 2013 at 7:58 am #41211

    You have one of the best spraying guns ever built just the wrong tip size. Get a 1.3 fluid tip and needle, make sure they are for the LV2 and stay with the LV2 aircap. Some will want to sell you the LV4 setup but don’t do it. Trust me on this, the W400; 1.3; LV2 at about 32 to 35 psi is freaking awesome.


    February 8, 2013 at 8:31 am #41215

    I didn’t know you could use the LVX or LVB (purple) on the W400, Ive used them before on an LPH400. I ended up getting rid of the LVB, it was meant for really high metallic colors. I used it a few times and it was alright, you had to use it at a ridiculously low pressure and it felt slow so Id often go back to the LVX. I haven’t used the W400 in quite a while but that PSI (32-35) sounds awfully high from what I remember running it at for clear. I’m a tad confused on the thread in all honesty, to the best of my knowledge the LPH is meant for base and the W for clear and high-solids.

    February 8, 2013 at 5:24 pm #41216

    Does the LV2 cap work on the W400lv (which comes with a LV4 air cap) ?

    February 8, 2013 at 8:56 pm #41232

    [quote=”jimmo” post=30169]I didn’t know you could use the LVX or LVB (purple) on the W400, Ive used them before on an LPH400. I ended up getting rid of the LVB, it was meant for really high metallic colors. I used it a few times and it was alright, you had to use it at a ridiculously low pressure and it felt slow so Id often go back to the LVX. I haven’t used the W400 in quite a while but that PSI (32-35) sounds awfully high from what I remember running it at for clear. I’m a tad confused on the thread in all honesty, to the best of my knowledge the LPH is meant for base and the W for clear and high-solids.[/quote]

    [Does the LV2 cap work on the W400lv (which comes with a LV4 air cap) ?]

    The W400 LV2 1.3 will work well for all “car paint”, sealer, base, or clearcoat. It is my favorite setup for spraying clearcoat if you want an exceptionaly smooth finish. Thicker, higher solids “truck paint” the 1.4 may be better, I’m not sure. The LV2 tip/cap is similar to the SATA RP set up. They are both reduced pressure, or high efficiency conventional spray guns. The LV4 has the split tip or pre-atomization tip with a larger opening on the aircap. Any W400 can be converted to the LV2 set up if they are still available, I think they are. Also, the PSI is differant between the two tips. They LV2 is “legal” up to 36 psi, I think the LV4 only goes to 22 or 26, I dont remember for sure.

    Good luck and be safe.


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