Opinions on Sata NR 3000 1.3?

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  • December 5, 2009 at 2:29 am #17496

    Hey everyone.

    I have a chance to get a Sata NR 3000 1.3 digital, brand new in box for a great price.

    It will be mostly used for basecoat.
    But I’m not sure of I should get it:

    1) I’ll be using R-M Onyx when I switch to waterborne. The seller called the paint rep and he was told R-M recommends 1.5 tip (!!) for their waterborne basecoat. Glasurit recommends 1.2-1.3 for their waterborne 90-Line.
    I just checked BASF site and its true.

    2)Its digital. I personally think its a an expensive gimmick, waiting to be broken, costing you $$$.

    So what do you guys think? How does this gun perform? Can I still spray R-M onyx with it (especially metallics) without spraying it coarse?

    December 5, 2009 at 2:57 am #17497

    supposedly one of the best base guns you can buy if the price is right id really go for it im not crazey about em for a clear gun though prefer my rp :cheer:

    December 5, 2009 at 3:00 am #17498

    I do have an RP 3000 for clear.

    Damn I’m a gun junkie. :blush:

    December 5, 2009 at 3:04 am #17499

    Double post. :whistle:

    December 5, 2009 at 4:17 am #17502

    I would stick with what R-M recommends for nozzle size. If they recommend a 1.5 you might be able to get away with a 1.3 if it’s a really humid day. If you go to small you will have a problem with grainy edges around your blends. If it was a 1.4HC I would be all over it because that would probably work well.

    I have never sprayed Onyx so a 1.3 may work well, but I spray waterborne and usually their recommended tip sizes are what you need. 1.5 to a 1.3 is a big jump, especially if you have a hot dry day! :S

    December 5, 2009 at 5:55 am #17509

    Thats exactly why I’m iffy about buying this gun.

    What other paint companies recommend for their waterborne BC:

    PPG: 1.2-1.4

    Dupont: 1.3

    Sikkens: 1.3

    Glasurit: 1.2-1.3

    Damn it, R-M has to be 1.5. Hmm, maybe I should go with Glasurit 90-Line.

    BTW, what is 1.4HC? Does HC stand for something? :blush:

    December 5, 2009 at 9:12 am #17519

    I think Hot Climate.

    No recommendation is set in stone. On your chart you have Dupont as a 1.3. I have used from a 1.2-1.4 successfully. With waterborne it has everything to do with temp, humidity, and airflow. Still I think going from a 1.5 to a 1.3 is too big a jump.

    If you want the gun just use a different brand of base. Most of the majors have a nice waterborne. It’s all a matter of making it work for you.

    December 5, 2009 at 9:22 am #17522

    I use a nr 3000 with a 1.4HC and I spray sikkens autowave,it sprays very nice.From what I have heard talking to other painters onyx is very similar to 90line,the guys I know are using a cvi with a 1.4.Depending where you are you will spend $200 or more for a nozzle set for the sata,so it might not be a good deal.

    December 5, 2009 at 10:38 am #17524

    Thanks for reply everyone.
    I’ve also heard R-M Onyx and Glasurit 90-Line are very similar,
    but their recommended tips are different.
    I guess R-M is a bit thicker?

    Hopefuly Glasurit is as user friendly as R-M, its not finicky as Sikkens is it?
    R-M sure has nice coverage and excellent color match.

    December 5, 2009 at 5:40 pm #17532

    [b]zarbat007 wrote:[/b]
    Hopefuly Glasurit is as user friendly as R-M, its not finicky as Sikkens is it?
    R-M sure has nice coverage and excellent color match.[/quote]

    I have never sprayed 90 line or Onyx but have sprayed a little Sikkens Autowave. Autowave isn’t finicky at all. What I sprayed I loved. Very easy and looked great. If all you have sprayed of Sikkens is their solvent I can see where it was finicky compared to BASF. In solvent Glasurit is nicer to spray than Sikkens, but Sikkens has the edge when it comes to coverage.

    From the feedback I have heard Sikkens is in the top two or three waterborne basecoats out.

    December 5, 2009 at 8:53 pm #17538

    Whats wrong with buying it for the killer deal then buying the different needle and Tip for it?

    I have seen them advertised by a couple different companies.
    I thought if I got a Sata I would have to get the extra needle and tips for it, 1.3 1.4 1.5 The down side is there needle and tip combos are a matched sets and need to stay together and are very expensive.

    December 5, 2009 at 11:10 pm #17546

    That’s my point if you get the gun for half price say $300,then another $200 for a nozzle set (could be less)you are almost at the price of buying a new gun with the tip you want.Not much of a deal in my book.I can buy a nr3000 with a 1.4hc non digital for $450cdn from my jobber but it lists for close to $600.The used gun would have to be less than $300 to even consider buying it if it wasn’t the size you want.

    December 6, 2009 at 1:06 am #17551

    Great responses, thanks everyone! :welc

    The Sata digital NR is close to $750-$950 in Canada, depending where you buy.

    The gun is brand new in box, so even with purchase of a needle set, its gonna be same price as brand new, but, I can always sell the needle set in ebay, or use Glasurit waterbsase.

    I’ll go back and pick it up on Monday. :exci

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