she meticulously applied [img][/img]
👿 the deadly potion [img][/img]
then little by little [img][/img]
she meticulously unveiled the deadliest part [img][/img]
THE APPEAL [img][/img]
👿 and then with devilbiss intent [img][/img]
she added the irresistible caramel coating [img][/img]
but her revenge would have to wait for another day as the day was done :pcorn: [img][/img]
Damn good job! Looks really good. :cheer: I like the red on there.
You using a CVI on that?
Came out really nice!
What Devillbiss gun did Magie use for the clear?
Devilbiss CVI for white and for clear
Looks nice. :cheer:
What happened to the pic with the cat in the background eyeballing the fresh paint? :unsure:
the bait is ready [img][/img]