What do you ask of employees?

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  • October 27, 2009 at 2:58 am #16613


    I saw this on yahoo and thought it interesting.I talked with several of my friends in Texas and California who have different ethnic groups working in their shops and some thought it a good idea to improve appearances for the public and to make them feel more comfortable in their shops.

    Gentlemen as always: Opinions Please!

    brad Larsen

    October 27, 2009 at 3:20 am #16614

    while racism or discrimination isnt funny the stupidity of some people is ood for a laugh. he actually said he did it because people callin from other parts of america dont understand the indian/spanish culture :blink: . WHat he thinks they are just callin his hotel out of the blue without realizing where it is :wak . I would Imagine anyone callin to make a reservation would be fully aware of where the hotel is and the culture of that area.
    But anyways, the sad thin is today we dont ask much of our help. he are happy when they just show up for work. with unemployment so high you would think that they would be goin above and beyond just to ensure their job is secure :rofl but it seems just the opposite. sad but true

    October 27, 2009 at 4:15 am #16615

    When I was eighteen years old I had an employer ask me to cut my hair. The whole reason being is he thought my long hair might bother his conservative client base. I told him sure. I didn’t give him a bunch of crap about it. I figured if it was good for the business it was good for my job. I do not get people when they bring up it being their right because blah blah blah….. Why don’t you try making a living at your answer and see how much money you make. Nobody cares. They want to come into a business and feel comfortable with their choice. As a rule the more conservative your people are, the quicker people accept them.

    Gentlemen as always: Opinions Please!

    Brad Larsen

    October 27, 2009 at 6:14 am #16617

    oh boy!! the kid who works for me has let his hair grow for like a year without cutting it. it literally looks like he has a mop on his head. i really wish he would cut it. i dont get alot of walk in customers but i really dont like to bring him to bike shows. to be honest it really just annoys the crap out of me. i dont know how he can see!!

    October 27, 2009 at 7:42 am #16620

    He crossed a line and that should be obvious. Demanding them to speak English in his presence
    tells of his insecurity and paranoia. Demanding them to change their names is racism.

    All i ask of my employees is to be sincere and respectful. It’s not about color, business,
    status, appearance, culture, education, background, or whatever else. Show respect and
    maybe in turn you’ll get some yourself.

    October 27, 2009 at 7:57 am #16621

    [b]Han wrote:[/b]
    [quote]He crossed a line and that should be obvious. Demanding them to speak English in his presence
    tells of his insecurity and paranoia. Demanding them to change their names is racism.

    All i ask of my employees is to be sincere and respectful. It’s not about color, business,
    status, appearance, culture, education, background, or whatever else. Show respect and
    maybe in turn you’ll get some yourself.[/quote]
    ya know han your absolutely right i just dont get how some people can live with there heads so far up there asses somtimes!! ive learned so much from so many people over the yrs that i really dont feel sorry for dipshits like this! cuz they dont have a clue thats what pushes me ta just try an be myself an encourage others ta do the same an be proud of who you are an where ya come from we all have alot to be proud of regardless of where we come from ive met so many good people that i cant even think how a asshole like this can even function in the real world thats my honest opinion

    October 27, 2009 at 6:24 pm #16624

    [b]Han wrote:[/b]
    [quote]He crossed a line and that should be obvious. Demanding them to speak English in his presence
    tells of his insecurity and paranoia. Demanding them to change their names is racism.

    All i ask of my employees is to be sincere and respectful. It’s not about color, business,
    status, appearance, culture, education, background, or whatever else. Show respect and
    maybe in turn you’ll get some yourself.[/quote]

    Han, I do not think it was paranoia. He said that they refered to him as a white N*****. Having worked with several groups of mexicans and knowing how to speak spanish, I am here to tell you from experience most will bad mouth you while you are standing right there in there own language. That is until they find out you speak their native tongue, at which point they shut up and get to work. I have some acquaintances from South Africa that do the same thing. It sounds like the employees threw being sincere and respectful out the window.

    I do not care what color or race you are, but appearance, background, & education matter to me.Especially the way you dress and behave. I see things like the stunt that Kanye West pulled on Taylor Swift and if it were up to me, that would be the last awards banquet he would ever be invited to.The man is just stupid. I do not want to have unrighteous dominion over my fellow man, but we have all got to work on having a little more class and leave the way you act in the “hood” or “Barrio” or the “Trailer court” at home. Take that hat off and put on your professional hat when you pull into the parking lot at work.

    Gentlemen as always: Opinions Please!

    Brad Larsen

    October 27, 2009 at 9:12 pm #16628

    I grew up (or down) in LA. I have a VERY diverse group of friends. Latinos? I can tell you a thing or two… Sure, talking crap is common place. You can even say it’s part of their culture but it’s no different than any other, really. Yes,
    I also know when they talk crap. It used to bother me decades ago but i learned
    something important: Even though they do, it doesn’t necessarily make them bad
    individuals. And the best way to deal with it is by NOT returning the favor.
    And, instead, as I’ve mentioned above, I show them respect in return. This approach
    works on many levels. It keeps my own hypocracy in check as i’ve been guilty
    of the same crap.

    As far as appearance and background, yes, it matters in business…

    This topic is huge, really….

    October 27, 2009 at 9:18 pm #16629

    Has any one here called a company for help and inadvertently been transferred to India? and ask the person there name? I like having a name too refer back too when the problem isn’t resolved the first time…
    Any way most of these companies that do this when you ask for there name from the person who can barley speak English your told a regular old name Tod Robert Joe Mary Jennette Jane etc… This is from ATT Internet helpline and HP computers helpline etc… I dont here any one chastising them?

    Racist maybe but I dont think so, Bad taste? Yes! you bet!!

    Me being an independent I feel the guy should have done it a bit differently.
    But he has his own Business plan that has worked for him successfully in the past why wouldn’t he use it?
    Perhaps what he should have done was close down the whole place laying off all the workers and remodel the place and then hired a whole new staff of all of his choosing. He would have had less problems and headaches.

    On a side note have many of you been through New Mexico in the Last few years? Most towns I have visited are scary in my opinion! Bad economy, poor communities, hi unemployment rate, sky hi Crime rate, Racism, Drug use, Graffiti.

    My employer has Language requirements depending on what side of the globe you want to work from and a Dress code as well, And on top of that they can and will fire you from what you do in your off time as well.
    So Just because I am not at work and on the clock does not mean I cant get fired for what I say or Do to someone or something. Along with that they can and do control what I put into my body as well they even can and do over ride Doctors orders for certain medications and I am not talking about Medical Maryjane either!

    Its his business he has every right to run it as he sees fit good or bad if you dont like it dont work for him and dont patronize his business! But to politically burn him at the stake for a bad business decision?
    Now who’s in the wrong? :wak

    As long as Political correctness is practised in this country more men will loose more rights! :wak


    October 28, 2009 at 12:46 am #16634

    Dennis, I agree. If you give any group that bands together free run of the business, pretty soon they are telling you they way it is going to be. This racism thing is a perfect example. Everyone is so scared about being politically correct they shy away from the issue and let employees have a free run.

    I tend to let them know it has nothing to do with their race. It is more of a personal attack. Change whatever or find a new job. If it is something that is affecting the business or the crew, something needs to be said. I had a gal working for me a while back that had a stud in her nose. Personally I thought it looked good. When it comes to the girls, the more exotic the better. That is the sexist side of me. Customers made all kinds of negative comments about it. So we had a sit down and asked her how she felt about not wearing it at work. She said “No problem”. If everyone is up to being the best they can and you have open dialog with your crew, you can quickly overcome these problems and make your customers feel comfortable coming to your shop.

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