wow really nice work :pcorn:
:welc :pcorn: welcome to the room. enjoy your stay
I got a really book that has helped me many times. Its called how to paint your car. Theres a picture of a 56 chevy parked next to a barn. The book is wriiten by David H. Jacobs Jr.
really nice work lild :cheers
Look like you got a deal. A cracked bumper and some small dents is nothing
luv your video nex you do nice work :pcorn:
You might wanna concider using a guide coat on your first coat of filler even though you might not see any waves , after you do your sanding a little high spot might show. It also a good idea to fog some black paint on your primer work for the same reason. :pcorn:
:welc if you wanna see some videos just go the learning section
thanx adam for the info :pcorn:
thanx alot smooth :clappy