Craig Coburn

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  • February 20, 2010 at 10:01 am #19665

    I’ve only got a sample of one with my LPH-400, but for base it was very easy to use. Sure my pearl didn’t lay perfectly, but it was very hard to do and it was a first time for me. Clear was silly easy to shot with this gun, such a soft spray feeling. I had to ditch the descicant snake to get the volume back that the gun needs, but really – it did a wonderful job.

    I still like this shot:


    I’ve never layed any paint that smooth before.

    February 15, 2010 at 9:22 pm #19588

    This would be really helpful. I give a lot of credit to Bondo and Jimmo for helping me get up to speed quickly by just watching the techniques. I had some real issues with laying my base coat because the first coat went on too dry, I then had to pick it up in the next coats (still had issues with pearl not laying nice in overlap areas like door jams where you get an extra coat when you do the outside). I would also love to see a full instructional video on gun set up (some of us are visual learners). I had switched over to a desicant dryer on my gun (Iwata LPH 400) and it killed the water, but also killed the air volume. Chuking the dryer for a cheapo orange filter made all the difference in the world to the spraying. No water, lots of volume. Now that I have a feel for it, I should be good, but a video would be better.

    I watched Bondo shooting his beloved bumper covers just before heading out to the garage to shoot my car…great stuff.

    Spray patterns would be good, cleaning booth would be good, general technique, anything you can think of to improve quality.

    February 12, 2010 at 7:54 am #19495

    I spent a few more hours sanding the car with 1000 wet/dry. I had tried a DeVilbiss desicant snake for the first time…it was killing the air volume I had and was making spraying really difficult as it was so stiff. This left me with a couple of runs to deal with – live and learn. Go with what you know works. I picked up another quart of clear and after sanding the car I shot it again. One coat on everything, two on the hood.

    The Iwata was fine with a cheapo orange filter. I dropped the pressure down to 20 psi, then shot the clear. Went on like glass – I now have the feel for this gun. There is still some dust in the finish, but nothing that a little polishing can’t pick up.

    Anyway, for those that were wondering what is up in my garage rafters, I took these shots.


    Driver’s side:

    So a little polishing and this car is ready to put back together.

    Thanks Guys.

    February 11, 2010 at 11:03 am #19466

    I sort of forgot that I started this tread…Well, today we got colour and clear on the car. I’ve got a few dust issues (have to turn my furnace off or get a filter in front of it). So I’ve got some wet sanding to do tomorrow then hit it with another coat of clear, but basically I’m done painting the car. Wow, what a hard pull to make it to this point.

    I’ll quit typing now and let you see the pictures.


    I’m pretty happy – the finish (where I didn’t manage to screw up and run it – long story with a stupid in line water trap…) is great. I’m sure it isn’t as nice as what you guys produce, but with a little polishing, it will come out just fine.

    February 10, 2010 at 8:30 am #19445

    Thanks for the offer Jayson, I should have checked the forum. I thined it 10% and it came out OK out of my 1.7…but a 2.0 would have been much better. It still needed a lot of sanding to get it straight. Tomorrow I’ll shoot the colour and see how it goes.


    February 8, 2010 at 8:12 pm #19360

    Thanks Guys,

    I went to yell at the bodyshop supplier this AM and it turns out that to shoot it at 4:1 you need a 2.0 tip! Jeepers, who has one of those kicking around. I didn’t want to play chemist last night, but you guys were right, 10% reduction gets me spraying with the 1.7. I’m meticulous about cleaning, and this gun was fully stripped before I sprayed this coat. Lesson learned. I’ll head out and block it and squirt another couple of coats, then wet sand and try to get the colour done tomorrow (I don’t think there is any way I can get all that done in one day!).

    February 5, 2010 at 7:58 am #19283

    That sounds like a plan. I should have the time tomorrow AM (I have to be in the office at noon – until late) to squirt on the epoxy, let it sit overnight and hit it with the 2K on Saturday. Then block it as you recommend and shot the colour Sunday/Monday depending on how things go.

    January 26, 2010 at 5:33 am #18921

    OK – here’s the results. I’ve very pleased with the overall finish. There was still some dust nibs in the hood in the end, but I’m giddy about the results. It’s going to be very hard to get an engine in there without screwing something up. Here are some pics.

    That’s two coats of clear over the base. I’ve never shot paint this good before (Iwata LPH-400 rocks) – first time at base clear. The second coat of clear is sort of hard to see going on, but I was sort of shooting by feel and used the bottom up technique I learned on this forum so I could sort of see the wet edge. Engine bays are the worst to paint but this one is done. Thanks again boys – now to get the outside done.

    January 26, 2010 at 3:00 am #18916

    Ok, the base is on and went on fine this time. I used my mini gun to cut in the edges and lock the sh!t down. I’m not going to worry about trying to get the clear to go all the way under the edge – so that, knock on wood, should be the end of this fiasco. Thanks for the tips – this base/clear stuff is pretty neat so far (I’m so far behind in paint technology…). Gotta go set up the fresh air system to put on the clear.

    January 25, 2010 at 9:56 am #18902

    OK, so I just wait the required hour or whatever and hit it with the clear. Sounds like a plan. I’ll lighten it up on the touch up coat.

    January 25, 2010 at 5:44 am #18898

    I only used a liter for all you see there (hood, rad core support, hinges and engine compartment) – so I think I was OK for film thickness. I’ll hit it with 800 and get it done tomorrow. It’s looking good so far and I won’t be polishing out my engine compartment (done it before and I did hit it with the engine on the way in…you speak the truth :rofl .

    So there is no problem with going straight over the base with a third coat after drying over night at 20 degrees C (sorry I don’t know F…about 70 ish?). I’ll probably wipe over the entire area with 800 just for giggles. Then let it dry of a day and clear it. Sound like a plan?

    What about product volume? Am I going to be OK shooting the entire outside (including jams) with around a gallon of base (including my 3 rd coat outside). Then I have to clear the entire car. I’ve got a gallon of clear ( with hardener I think it is 5 liters sprayable).


    January 22, 2010 at 10:20 am #18850

    Hi Guys,

    I just had to report on the LPH-400. I spent an hour cleaning it out (e-bay purchase, guy didn’t know how to clean a gun), and I have to say I’ve never painted with anything quite like this gun before. I’ve been at this, in a hobby sense, for over 20 years and this thing is amazing – I’ve always had knock off guns of dubious quality. I’ve watched the videos of you guys cutting in areas etc and thought that I just couldn’t do that with my skills…turns out I just couldn’t do that with my guns. It was so easy (a little closer than I’m use to, but that gets easy quick) – I was only shooting epoxy primer but was very pleased with the result. I can’t wait to shoot some colour with it. Tomorrow I’ll get the chance to shoot some single stage in the trunk and some base clear under the hood if all the prep goes well.

    The complete lack of fog in my garage was just astounding. Beer’s all round to those that encouraged me to buy this gun.

    Thanks again,

    January 18, 2010 at 2:05 am #18746

    Awesome video – I love the instructions pop-ups.

    January 18, 2010 at 1:55 am #18745

    Wow – that looks very slick. I hope my experience with my new LPH-400 is as good as your’s. So what was your set-up exactly?

    January 15, 2010 at 9:43 pm #18683

    Wow – I didn’t know NAPA had anything for sale or the rest. I’ve only lived here for 8 years, you’d think I would have found these things out by now. Great information.

    Thanks for the offer to squirt it Jayson. At this point I’m going to try at home and see how it goes. I’m use to the SW stuff now, but did prefer the PPG (it was easier to shoot). What I like about Silver is the service. I seem to get very good service from both Wayne and Chris – they find my projects just weird enough to be interesting. That said, the boys at Offshore were really helpful with the products that I picked up there and I’m so in love with the urethane seam sealer that they sold me that I can’t believe I’ve been using other sealer for so long when this stuff is on the market.

    I’m in a bit of a bind with this car as I need to get it done and out of the garage soon, but there is so much to do and no time to do it…I don’t like being rushed as the quality suffers. I have to get the mechanicals back together and get the engine/transmission back in it as well as the suspension back on. This is when my day job really gets in the way!

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