Yes maybe,I’ll have to order one barely used this gun thanks jgates
Happy New Years to you all
I get my demo in the new year can’t wait
Jayson is that the 5000 RP your spraying with if so what tip size?
He might of went with the 1.6 to get the results he was looking for, I was going to get a bigger tip with mine but decided to go back to the 3000.just waiting to my hands on a 5000
With the TE 20 cap? If you want a sata I would go with the 3000 with 1.3 I have a 4000 and could not get the clear to lay out and I even tried 1,3 and 1.4
What gun where you shooting clear with before? I had to go back to my 3000 because the 4000 was way to slow,not to happy with the 4000.
Diambert are you also doing it on aftermarket parts?
Yes your right about the color matches,any color that has HB203 in it is out to lunch because the black seperates and the color becomes to light so I have to tint or spray it ir water.
Hello there
So your painter uses onyx water on the exterior?
I’m using onyx and as of right now I’m using more solvent than water,some of the color matches with solvent are not as good as I have to pick my battles