8-2-1? I’m still at 4-1-1 and that seems thick.
I do like the clear. I just dont want any cars coming back faded and what not.
Spraying over Onyx waterborne.
I just switched from Sata RPS to 3m PPS.
I prefer the Sata cups. It is a solid cup to store extra paint in. Pressure relief button,so paint doesnt ooze all over after shaking like 3M cups. Not as messy when refilling. The paint seems to flow better having the presssuer relief button.
With 3M ,I do like that smaller sizes are available.
I called BASF tech line the other day with a number like that. They could not cross reference it with a OEM paint code..
I know they have in the past. My guy must have been “busy”
Jimmo makes it look so easy in his video.
As long as you scuff it, it should be fine.
BASF Onyx . RBD comes up as 2013 Nissan Dark Blue Met. No special toners needed.
I have never sprayed it.
Good thread.
I’m going to try some of these tips with Onyx.
Yes to using HB020 in the m5.
I think you will like the M5 much better than th 055.
I use DC5335 4-1-8 on blend panels. I like that better than the M5.Lays flat.
I havent tried it wet on wet though.
Never used them but they seem to have a good reputation on some of the hot rod forums I am on.
Find somebody that can wet sand and polish the edge down a bit. A pin striper may be able to run a brush around the edges to straighten them up.
How old is the air hose? That could be breaking down inside.
There was a thread a couple weeks ago about black specs in the clear.