They are totaling everything around here at 65% anymore.. Must be different out there..
At least he is using the right brand, John Deere 🙂 He would love my new JD backhoe they are so easy to use.. If you are ever in this neck of the woods I might have found myself a new operator 🙂
What you thinking about switching?!
Once you get the hang of it you will love it! I know I wouldnt go back….
Gonna fill the screw holes with duramix? Be good enough for a white truck anyways 🙂
I would push that right back out the door 🙂 Pretty much gonna have to shoot the whole car arent ya? Write it at 8k..
Silver is a pita sometimes.. But you learned a good lesson on this one.. Always have the car there and check the color from the side angle not dead on.. I have made that mistake a few times in the past :blush:
Its not the under coats.. Its a side tone issue… You needed a lighter variant.
Side tone is a bit off on those 😉 They can look perfect dead on, but if you dont have the right side tone that is what happens..
I hear a lot of you guys talking about SPI products, but I have never tried them.. How do they compare to some of the high end stuff?? Pricing seems pretty reasonable..
Looking good for an old turd! Amazing what you can do with 4 gallons of bondo;) 😛
I wouldnt even bid this job.. If he was crying about 4k he doesnt have a clue! Run though my computer it runs right about 10k w/ really no body work.. You can decide from their.. That will be a ton of work, and is your garage big enough to handle painting it?
Should of primed the fender at the same time 😉
Yeah I have seen and heard of many complaints.. I actually have a full time detail guy, we give them a good wash, buff as needed, and send them out the door.. All of them are cleaner than when they came in.
Hey someone agrees for a change on this one 😉